1: Inception
The idea for this project came from a simple personal observation: Personally, I am not very good at buying groceries. Too many times, I come home with the week’s ingredients only to hear “were these the only avocados?” or while at a farmer’s market I see some really interesting looking produce, but I haven’t the slightest idea what to do with them, so I just walk past them. At the market, I arrive with focus, but I end up distracted and lost. I want to cook better, I want to eat better, but I get intimidated easily. Do other people have the same problem? Is there a way of solving it in a meaningful way? I was eager to find out.
2: research plan
The biggest mistake that a designer can make is to assume that their personal needs and wants represent the needs and wants of others, so I took a few steps back to learn about how people relate to food. That’s a very broad subject, I put a research plan together so we can decide what kind of questions we are looking to answer.
Before I conduct interviews, I want to put together a simple guide so that I make sure to get the info I need.
I interviewed 10 people that fit within the scope of my research plan. Each session was recorded and then notes were taken afterwards.
What have other people experienced? What is important to them? Let’s summarize what we have learned from each interview.